Post Status and "On Hold" Content

On Hold Content

The Post Status toggle exists for situations where you want to set up your content to need a final editorial approval before going out. For example, if you were were managing a large team and editors were responsible for queuing up content, but you were overseeing the final curation. All editors would input their content with their schedule and creative preferences and then flip the “Post Status” Toggle. When paused this will make sure that your content stays queued in the Content Queue awaiting your approval. Within the Content Queue In order for content to be scheduled, an individual will have to go to the scheduler view, review each piece of content and flip the toggle to “Active” or manually drag and drop it into the scheduler on the left hand side of the page.

Individuals pieces can be set to on hold and content automatically imported from your RsS feed can be set to “On Hold” before it goes out. That way you have full editorial control of your content before it goes out.

If your on hold content was set to post intelligently it will populate in the right hand side of the scheduler with an unlocked icon. If you post your content manually using post at a specific time, post immediately, or by dragging and dropping your content your content will be locked in at that specific time.

If you would like to change the creatives on a piece of on hold content before posting it to your page, you can do so by clicking the edit pencil icon and then Edit Creative. Change the post text, thumbnail and headline of your content. You can continue to leave it on hold for another round of review or set it to active to have it populate in the live scheduler view on the right hand side of the page.